1934 Rolls Royce 20/25 Laundalette

This was also the actual car used in the 1934 Olympic car show.

This beautiful car has just been fully recommissioned after 3 years of careful storage when the owner emigrated to Australia now never to return.

Extensively restored about 15 years ago.

The car has got loads of paper work with some big value receipts proving that this Rolls has wanted for nothing.

She starts on the button and is as silent in her running as you would expect a Rolls Royce to be.

The hood is in excellent condition as it was replaced around 10 years ago, as was the back interior and lots of parts as detailed in her very comprehensive service history.

The back and fold down occasional seats of the car are white leather.

The chauffeur dividing screen is an engineering delight.

I think it goes without saying this would make a beautiful wedding car but would also be a credit to its owner at any classic car show.

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